Hold licensed contractors accountable for complying with Chapter 87, Article 2, and Board Rules. Assist licensed Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler contractors in providing competent workmanship to the general public.
The Board currently has administrative officers assigned to five geographical regions across the state in order to effectively and efficiently address issues regarding licensing requirements. The primary responsibility of these "field representatives" as they are often referred to, is the investigation of complaints that are received by the Board.
The information presented here is intended to be instructional and to provide information to assist the consumer in dealing with contractors. The information in this publication is believed to be accurate at the time of its production. The State Board of Examiners of Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler Contractors assumes no responsibility for any damage that arises from any action that is based on information found in this publication.
If application is denied or requires additional information, you will be notified of the issues. If application is approved, you will receive notification of exam eligibility by mail or e-mail. Please note: Applications may be mailed to our office or delivered in person. Applicants visiting the office who wish to speak to the Exam Coordinator regarding the application may do so on Fridays only.
All forms are in Adobe PDF format. You may download the form(s) and type in the required information on your computer before printing, or you may print the blank form and write in the required information. Forms that do not require payment of a processing fee and/or a public notary may be e-mailed or faxed.
Reviews (3)
AirStarz Hvac
Jul 07, 2021
Adam Kharbat
May 04, 2020
Sara Bashi
Jan 08, 2018